
Thank you for your interest in having Keas speak at your event. Please note the following and then fill out the form below:

  • Keas desires that his ministry decisions be led by the Spirit and not motivated by money. He does not have a set fee for speaking but instead asks that the hosting group pray about what honorarium they feel is appropriate.
  • Keas believes deeply in community and the early church’s practice of hospitality. He requests that his lodging be in a home, not hotel, and prefers staying with someone in the congregation to help cut costs for the hosting group. Dorms are fine, too.
  • Keas strongly values the role of the body of Christ in making decisions. He has a group of friends who pray with him about speaking invitations and help him discern how to best steward his time. For this reason, after we receive your invitation please allow us a few days to get back to you.
  • Keas is committed to creation care and concerned about the environmental impact of his travel to speaking engagements. He asks hosting groups to prayerfully consider ways their event can reflect God’s call to be good stewards of the environment. (If you would like, we can provide some examples of ways that groups have creatively addressed this important issue.)

Please fill out this brief form so we can begin a conversation about Keas participating in your event.

View Partner form

Keas’ email is keas at keaskeasler dot com or he can be contacted through handwritten mail at:

Keas Keasler
6023 SW 61st St
South Miami, FL 33143