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Body Politics: Five Practices of the Christian Community Before the Watching World

By John Howard Yoder

Body Politics: Five Practices of the Christian Community Before the Watching World

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Tags: Incarnational Ministry

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Rating: Unrated

Mennonite theologian John Howard Yoder cracks open five practices of the early church (such as baptism and confession) that have for centuries been covered with superstition and ritual. Stripping away the added layers, he returns to these practices their full ethical, political, and theological significance. The result is five concrete and communal practices for God’s people that are at one and the same time spiritual and social, worshipful and missional. Yoder as a theologian is orthodox yet non-traditional, so his writings are rooted deeply in the historical faith yet incredibly refreshing. Well-suited for small groups, this slim book will provide plenty to chew on.

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